"Suffrage Offices Moved," Oregonian, June 30, 1912, 12.





Increased Membership Makes Quarters for Organization Too Small.

Owing to the increase in number of members, the Oregon State Equal Suffrage Association, and the State Central Campaign Committee, which had headquarters at 406 Selling building, have removed to 516 Selling building.

As Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway is unable, from the state of her health, to conduct the campaign vigorously Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe has undertaken her active duties of president, though Mrs. Duniway will remain at the head of the organization.  Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen will have charge of the publicity arrangements.

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"Suffragists Meet in Open," Oregonian, June 24, 1912, 16.





Lawn and Veranda Talks Proposed During Heated Season.

Lawn and veranda meetings will be resorted to by the suffragists in pushing their campaign for woman suffrage, during the warm weather.

A series of veranda meetings is being arranged by Mrs. A. E. Clark. Other suffrage workers are also arranging meetings. Tomorrow forenoon a meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. R. R. Hoge, 731 Everett street.  A paper will be read, and the suffrage question generally discussed.

The State Central Committee of the Oregon Equal Suffrage Association has announced, through its acting President, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, that the services of Charles W. Fulton, ex-United States Senator, and of Rev. Luther R. Dyott, have been secured as speakers for the suffrage cause “Suffrage Day,” July 16, at the Gladstone Chautauqua.

If possible, an effort will be made to have Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway preside.  She is convalescent to such an extent that it is believed she will be able to be present.  It will be her first appearance since the campaign was actively under way in this state.  Mrs. Duniway worked energetically to get the campaign under way but as the preliminary meetings were being held she was stricken.

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"Miss Crosman To Speak," Oregonian, June 19, 1912, 14.







At Luncheon This Week at Imperial Hotel Women Will Listen to What Stage Folk Think.

Through the instrumentality of Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel, sister of Mrs. E. J. Bullock, of Portland, members of the College Equal Suffrage League, will be addressed by Miss Henrietta Crosman at a luncheon to be given in her honor at the Imperial Hotel Thursday or Friday. Mrs. Mary Ringrose, who has been doing such good work among the Catholics in the city, also will be a guest. Both will give addresses on the subject nearest their hearts. Such was the leading announcement at the bi-monthly meeting of the College Equal Suffrage League, held yesterday at headquarters in the Selling building.
Mrs. Gabriel, who had recently come to Portland from New York to help on the cause of equal suffrage, is a member of the same suffrage society in New York as Miss Crosman. The latter is well known for her willingness to devote her spare time to gaining adherents.
Thursday week another luncheon will be given in honor of Miss Anita Whitney, of California, who has been working here for the past two weeks. Miss Whitney will give the principal address.
At the opening of the meeting a letter from Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway was read, in which she sent greetings and sincere thanks for the cup which had been won by the suffragist float in the parade, and which the members of the various orders had presented to her.
From today the College Equal Suffrage League opens its doors to all suffragists, men or women, whether of college education or not. This step has received the official sanction of the National League. To aid the campaign, which is only beginning its active course, several members have donated automobiles, among the mostthe most recent to do so being Mrs. C. U. Gantenbein.
At a committee meeting of the Woman’s Club campaign committee yesterday in the Rothschild building, a new league entitled the Equal Suffrage Lyceum League was formed, with the purpose of raising a fund with which to hold meetings and procure eminent speakers to promote the suffrage campaign in Oregon. During July many well-known women are coming to Oregon to speak.
The committee in charge is as follows: Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, chairman; Mrs. W. H. Fear, treasurer; Mrs. Frederick Eggert, Mrs. Esther C. Pohl, Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, Mrs. G. W. McMillan and Mrs. A. King Wilson. Governor West, Samuel Hill, Dr. Luther R. Dyott, Dr. C. H. Chapman, D. Solis Cohen, W. M. Davis and John F. Logan are vice-presidents.

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"Suffrage Sandwiches Go Like Hotcakes," Portland Evening Telegram, June 12, 1912, 10.




Women’s Luncheon Automobile Does Brisk Business Amid Crowds.

Under a gay yellow “Votes for Women” umbrella, with spieler, bells and band, a group of representative Suffrage workers of the Portland Woman’s Club started out again at noon today to make the rounds of the business streets, selling sandwiches, doughnuts, ice cream cones and other quick lunch edibles. Prominent in the group was Miss Keenan, who appears this week in the Orpheum sketch, “Man to Man.” Miss Keenan proved to be a quick change artist, and passed out the “Ham and” with lightning-like dexterity.

Yesterday’s receipts were gratifying. and despite the Oregon mist that put a damper on other things, the sale from the Suffrage grub cart was brisk, and the noon hour ended with a general clean up of everything on hand, with a comfortable sum in the treasury. All this morning a committee was busy in the Women of Woodcraft hall making up delectable sandwiches of cheese and ham, wrapping them in wax paper and packing in great hampers ready to be issued to the hungry street crowds at a cost that would make even a department store ashamed of itself.

The big six-ton auto truck, loaned by the Speedwell Auto Truck Company, has been handsomely decorated with bunting, festoons of rose and green, votes for women flags, and signs that bring home the Pacific Coast Suffrage slogan: “Oregon Next.” An abundance of Suffrage literature was distributed as the tally-ho passed along the main thoroughfares, and Pike Davis’s spiel attracted crowds and made them buy whether they were hungry or not. The wagon will run each noon this week, and plans have been made to carry on the scheme during the Elks’ reunion.

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"Suffragists to Send Out Lunch Truck," Oregon Journal, June 10, 1912, 9.






The “feed” auto truck of the suffrage committee of the Woman’s club was not started today, owing to delay in getting the materials ready. Tomorrow noon it will be very much in evidence in the downtown district, and sandwiches, pop, doughnuts and other dainties will be dispensed to the hungry by suffragists. The proceeds from the sale of these lunches will be used to aid in defraying the expenses of the coming campaign.

Materials for tomorrow’s lunch are being gathered at the Women of Woodcraft kitchen at Tenth and Taylor streets, and a large force of workers will prepare the food tomorrow morning. The truck will be stationed in the business district each day of the Festival during the noon rush. Many prominent business men have agreed to purchase their lunches from the women.

The distribution of suffrage literature was carried on by young girls yesterday morning at the close of early mass at 26 of the Catholic churches of the city. All but a few of the smaller outlying churches were visited by the workers. The work among the Catholics is being carried on under the direction of Mrs. Ringrose, a suffrage worker from California.

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