Thank you to the following individuals, organizations, and businesses that have supported Century of Action’s work, events and mission in the past year:
V. L. Anderson
Eleanor (EV) Armitage
Susan Armitage
Nova Bakke
Abigail Bally
Katrine Barber
Alice Bartelt
Naomi Bloom
Duva Books
Eileen Brady
Johanna Brenner
Lois Bronfman
Kelly Brooks
Pamela Brown
Anna Brown
Andrew N. Bryans
Matt Campeau
Andrea Cano
Eliza & Kevin Canty-Jones
Beth Caruso
Anne & Thomas Caruso
Patrick Clancy & Beth Caruso
Susan Castner
Jane H. Cease
Holly Chamberlain
Tanya Collier
Anne Connell
Allison & Rob Cornilles
Dana Barton Cress
Cathleen Croghan Alzner
Elizabeth Cullen
Jeanne Deane
Janice Dilg
Jacqueline Dirks
Carol Domenico
Lisa Domenico
Portland Woman’s Club
Marjorie & Warren Easley
Kappy Eaton
G. Thomas and Nanette Edwards
Richard H. Engeman
Michael & Ruth Tenzer Feldman
Stacy Flaherty
Margaret Foley
Leeann Friedman
Eve & Olivia Gaddis
Shawna Gandy
Kuri Gill
Avel Gordly
Susan Graber
Mitch Greenlick
Alice Gray Gregory
Joanne Schaefer Greig
Christin Hancock
Joan Harmsen
Mary Beth Herkert
Frances Hernandez
Carol & Monte Hess
James V. Hillegas
Carol Huey-Gatewood
Donna & Patrick Hughey
Mary Jaeger
William Jarvis
Kimberly Jensen
Judith J. Johansen
Sen. Betsy Johnson
Elizabeth Jones
Janice & Gregory Jones
Ann and Russell Jones
Russell Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Gretchen and Deborah Kafoury
Marianne Keddington-Lang
Carol & Jeffrey Kilmer
Laura King
Kay Kinsley
Alexandria Kropf
Marlene Krout
Bill Lang
Jewel Lansing
Adair Law
Shannon Leonetti
Florette Lewis
Julie Lipson
Linda Long
Donna Maddux
Evan Manvel
Judith Margles
Janice Margosian
Gwyneth E McAlpine
Ellen McClaran
Judith McGee
Kathleen McMullen
Marion J. McPhee
Alice Meyer
Wayne & Chris Miller
Marian H. Milligan
Jan Mitchell
Hotel Monaco
Susan Mosedale
Dona Munker
Erika Nebel
Nova Newcomer
Ellen Nichols
Cathy Nuno
Dian Odell
American Association of University Women of Oregon
Johanna Ogden
Deborah & GeorgeOlsen
Katherine H. O’Neil
Hon. Norma Paulus
Liz Paulus
Christina Pearl
Carola Penn
Jacqueline Peterson Loomis
Dorimara Phillips
Susan Pierce
Amy Platt
Sandy Polishuk
Karen Pollach
Elisabeth Walton Potter
Cynthia Rauscher
Linda Ray-Keeney
Patrick Walsh & Maureen Reed
Katie Riley
Betty Roberts
Melody Rose
Charlotte Rubin
Rose Rustin
Lynette Sahnow
Layne Sawyer
Patricia Schechter
Ann Scheppke
Carol Scott Hess
Girl Scouts
Donna Sinclair
Christopher Dyn & Rebecca Smith
Allison Sneider
Kristen Stallman
Mardella L. and Henry A. Stevens
Linda Tomassi
Kathleen Tucker
Jane VanBoskirk
Thomas J. Vaughan
George Vogt
Jean Ward
Ferguson Wellman
Geoffrey Wexler
Mary-Margaret Wheeler-Weber
Bradley Williams
Robin Wisdom
Concetta Wolff
Allegra & ArianaWolff
Laura L. Zeigen
Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission
Northwest History Network
NW Womens History Project
Center for Women Politics and Policy
Friends of the Oregon Commission for Women
Oregon NOW
Owen M. Panner American Inn of the Court
We are also grateful to a number of individuals and organizations for their assistance with research, loan of materials, participation in events, or donation of services:
Oregon Historical Society
Cristine Paschild, Portland State University Special Collections
Patricia Schecter, Portland State University
Oregon Jewish Museum
Maija Anderson and Karen Peterson, Oregon Health & Science University,
Historical Collections & Archives
Jane Paulson
Randall Melton, Tamástslikt Cultural Institute
Theresa Hogue, Oregon State University News & Research Communications
The Scene Magazine, Willamette University
Karen Ramirez
Michelle Alaimo, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Cristal Sandoval
Diana Banning and Mary Hansen, City of Portland Archives
Gary Halvorson and Layne Sawyer, Oregon State Archives
Diane Rodriquez, Siletz Tribe
Felicia Wivchar, U.S. House of Representatives
Amy Khedouri
Kelly Cannon-Miller, Deschutes County Historical Society
Karen Bratton and Gardner Chappell, Douglas County Museum
Lynn Jeche, Klamath County Museums
Tim Hills, McMenamins
Andie Petkus, Andie Petkus Photography
Mike Reynolds, Dreams in Bloom Photography, LLC
Melissa Dominique, Twentytwo 7 Photography
Hon. Avel Gordly
Hon. Charlotte Rutherford
Kimberly Howard
Laura King, Becky Oswald, Kathleen McMullen, and Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery
Oregon Black Pioneers
Hon. Barbara Roberts
Morgen Young
Sara Stroman
Chris McLaren, Votes for Women umbrella
Taylor Gillespie
Taylor Newcomer
Rex Burkholder
Judy Litchfield
Ira Hammon
Melissa Sandoz
Liz Paulus
Emily Stuckman
Heather Mayer
Sandy Polishuk
David Sarasohn
Patrick Webb
Peter Rocka
John Hutzler
Susan Castner
Pacific Northwest Truck Museum
Sen. Ted Ferrioli
Sen. Diane Rosenbaum
Dr. Melody Rose
Christine Uri
Rebecca Ortenberg
Dr. Kimberly Jensen
Nicole Nathan/Claret Associates
Catherine Dalziel/Dalziel Design
Sarah Goldsworthy Berry