"A Letter to the Grange Sisters from Hattie L. Vail," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.





A Letter To The Grange Sisters

Dear Sisters – We are printing this month a few of the letters we have received from different organizations that are working for the political equality of women, in which they are asking for the cooperation of the Grange women. You will see that the general public is beginning to recognize the far reaching influence of the Grange and that we, the women of the Grange, have “arrived.”

The Grange is now felt to be a potent factor in shaping the political destinies of our state, and workers for any movement that looks to the bettering of conditions have learned that the Grange and its women are not a negligeble [sic] quantity. It is now our opportunity to fulfill these opinions and to demonstrate our strength, so we appeal to every woman of every Grange to use her personal influence, and to not only do this, but to make definite efforts to awaken active interest in this issue of “Votes for Women.”

Doubtless you have all seen the report recently made by the “Vice Commission” of Portland regarding the terrible prevalence of the “Social Evil” in that city. The influence of such conditions can not remain local, they will reach out to every surrounding community with an ever widening circle; none of our children are safe from its degrading and damning power. Do you not think it is time women had a voice in the control of such a destroying octopus? We must muster ourselves, and now is the auspicious turn of the tide which will lead us on to success if we will only avail ourselves of its rising sweep.


1912 September Permalink
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