News Articles

Historians rely on primary documents — created in the time and place being studied — to get a clear picture of what happened in the past. Newspaper articles are especially valuable, as they include names, dates, quotes, and other specific information. The newspaper pages reproduced here include newspaper articles and letters to the editor that document some of the arguments made for and against woman suffrage during the Oregon campaigns. Click on the month to see a list of articles, then click on the title for the one you want to read; clicking on the image of the document itself will open it in a new page, allowing you to zoom in and read what was said about women’s votes a hundred years ago.



"Conference On Suffrage," Oregonian, April 03, 1906, 14.

News article



"Men Meet to Urge Woman Suffrage," Oregonian, January 04, 1912, 14.
"Equal Rights Indorsed: W.C.T.U. Behind Movement to Give Women Ballot," Oregonian, January 06, 1912, 16.
"Men Align for Women," Oregonian, January 09, 1912, 12.
"Suffrage Certain to Come, Verdict of English Actor Part 1," Oregon Journal, January 12, 1912, 10.
"Suffrage Certain to Come, Verdict of English Actor Part 2," Oregon Journal, January 12, 1912, 10.
"Actor Urges Suffrage," Oregonian, January 12, 1912, 11.
"Equal Suffrage Club Organized;  Davis President," Oregon Journal, January 13, 1912, 16.
"Labor Indorses Woman Suffrage," Oregon Journal, January 17, 1912, 3.
"Woman’s Suffrage Approved Part 1," Oregonian, January 17, 1912, 7.
"Woman’s Suffrage Approved Part 2," Oregonian, January 17, 1912, 7.


"Politics For Women," Oregonian, February 01, 1912, 10.

News article

"Roosevelt Made Fun Of By Women Part 1," Oregonian, February 07, 1912, 4.
"Roosevelt Made Fun Of By Women Part 2," Oregonian, February 07, 1912, 4.
"Suffragist Declares T.R. is Halfhearted," Portland Evening Telegram, February 07, 1912, 2.
"Women Discuss Ballot Part 1," Oregonian, February 07, 1912, 13.
"Women Discuss Ballot Part 2," Oregonian, February 07, 1912, 13.
"Suffrage Advice Given," Oregonian, February 20, 1912, 6.

Letter to the Editor, by Mrs W. P. Olds

"College League Forms," Oregonian, February 21, 1912, 6.
"Mrs. Coe President of Suffrage League," Portland Evening Telegram, February 21, 1912, 2.
"Women Urge Suffrage," Oregonian, February 24, 1912, 4.
"Equal Rights Lauded," Oregonian, February 25, 1912, 12.


"Woman Suffrage Gets Aid From the W.C.T.U.," Portland Evening Telegram, March 01, 1912, 14.
"Suffragists Will Work in Harmony," Oregon Journal, March 03, 1912, 5.
"Suffragists Join to Canvass State Part 1," Oregonian, March 03, 1912, 2:7.
"Suffragists Join to Canvass State Part 2," Oregonian, March 03, 1912, 2:7.
"Suffragists Outline Campaign Plan," Oregon Journal, March 06, 1912, 7.
"Suffrage Women Clash Part 1," Oregonian, March 06, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage Women Clash Part 2," Oregonian, March 06, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage Leaders’ Session Stormy Part 1," Oregonian, March 09, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage Leaders’ Session Stormy Part 2," Oregonian, March 09, 1912, 4.
"Suffragists Name Central Committee," Oregon Journal, March 09, 1912, 2.
"Suffrage Row is Denied by Leaders Part 1," Oregonian, March 10, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage Row is Denied by Leaders Part 2," Oregonian, March 10, 1912, 4.
"Mrs. Duniway is Ill," Oregonian, March 10, 1912, 4.
"Green Paper Storm Work of Suffragists," Portland Evening Telegram, March 16, 1912, 11.
"Anti-Suffragists Meet, Body Opposing Votes for Women Plans Statewide Opposition," Oregonian, March 16, 1912, 11.
"Suffrage Forces Divide: Portland Woman’s Club to Campaign By Itself," Portland Evening Telegram, March 16, 1912, 3.
"Woman’s Club To Travel Own Road," Oregon Journal, March 16, 1912, 11.
"Early Death Fate of Suffrage Body," Oregonian, March 17, 1912, 12.
"Suffrage Cause is Espoused by Men," Oregon Journal, March 18, 1912, 18.
"Anti-Suffragists Not to Accept Challenge," Portland Evening Telegram, March 18, 1912, 16.
"M’Camant Stirs Suffragists’ Ire," Oregonian, March 18, 1912, 18.
"League Plans Contest," Oregonian, March 20, 1912, 2.
"Suffrage Has Won," Oregonian, March 22, 1912, 5.
"Eugene Suffragists Organize League in Eugene Last Night," Eugene Daily Guard, March 29, 1912, 6.
"Eugene for Suffrage Say Women Workers," Portland Evening Telegram, March 30, 1912, 7.


"State Placarded by Suffragists," Oregonian, April 03, 1912, 9.
"Arguments Against Woman’s Suffrage Call Forth Reply," Oregonian, April 04, 1912, 10.

Letter to the editor, by E. M. Newell

"Laws Held Unfair," Oregonian, April 07, 1912, 15.
"Suffragists Seek Vote of Workers," Oregonian, April 08, 1912, 3.
"College Equal Suffragists, Chinese Women Dine Together," Oregon Journal, April 12, 1912, 6.
"Chinese Women Dine With White Part 1 of 3," Oregonian, April 12, 1912, 16.
"Chinese Women Dine With White Part 2 of 3," Oregonian, April 12, 1912, 16.
"Chinese Women Dine With White Part 3 of 3," Oregonian, April 12, 1912, 16.
"Anti-Suffragists Meet, Plan to Combat Votes for Women Movement Considered," Oregonian, April 13, 1912, 11.
"Boys Like “Suffrage”," Oregonian, April 24, 1912, 15.
"Women’s Clubs," Oregon Journal, April 28, 1912, 5:4.


"Society Folk Hear Anti-Vote Speech Part 1," Oregonian, May 04, 1912, 12.
"Society Folk Hear Anti-Vote Speech Part 2," Oregonian, May 04, 1912, 12.
"College Suffragists Elect," Oregonian, May 08, 1912, 11.
"Suffragist Believes Type Criticised by “antis” Improve World.," Oregonian, May 11, 1912, 10.

Letter to the editor, Mrs. A. E. Clark

"Suffrage League," Eugene Daily Guard, May 14, 1912, 3.
"Mrs. Coe Temporary Head," Oregonian, May 15, 1912, 11.
"Equal Suffrage Fully Indorsed by State Grange," Oregon Journal, May 18, 1912, 6.
"Suffrage League Grows," Oregonian, May 30, 1912, 9.


"Suffragists Will Be Represented," Oregonian, June 01, 1912, 9.
"Suffragists to Send Out Lunch Truck," Oregon Journal, June 10, 1912, 9.
"Suffrage Sandwiches Go Like Hotcakes," Portland Evening Telegram, June 12, 1912, 10.
"Miss Crosman To Speak," Oregonian, June 19, 1912, 14.
"Suffragists Meet in Open," Oregonian, June 24, 1912, 16.
"Suffrage Offices Moved," Oregonian, June 30, 1912, 12.


"Chinese Women Are Not Voters," Oregonian, July 04, 1912, 6.
"Suffragists Busy: Campaign Plans," Oregon Journal, July 07, 1912, 7.
"Shore Talks is Plan," Oregonian, July 20, 1912, 16.
"3500 Thrilled by Labor Chief’s Plea Part 1," Oregonian, July 21, 1912, 6.
"3500 Thrilled by Labor Chief’s Plea Part 2," Oregonian, July 21, 1912, 6.
"Equal Suffrage Leaders Speak," Oregon Journal, July 29, 1912, 8.


"Suffrage Work is Active," Oregonian, August 02, 1912, 12.
"Suffragists To Unite," Oregonian, August 09, 1912, 12.
"Suffrage League Formed," Oregonian, August 11, 1912, 2:7.
"Suffragists Meet at Milwaukee Saturday," Portland Evening Telegram, August 13, 1912, 10.
"Laborers Harken to Suffrage Plea," Oregonian, August 16, 1912, 10.
"Oregon Urged to Act," Oregonian, August 18, 1912, 7.
"Men to Aid Suffrage," Oregonian, August 29, 1912, 18.


"Suffrage Tour Pleases," Oregonian, September 01, 1912, 2:5.
"Says Stenographers Are Fitted for Ballot," Oregon Journal, September 11, 1912, 3.
"W.M. Davis to Mrs. Hattie Vail Part 1," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"W.M. Davis to Mrs. Hattie Vail Part 2," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"Emma Wold to Mrs. Hattie Vail," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"A Letter to the Grange Sisters from Hattie L. Vail," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"Viola Coe to the Members of the Oregon Grange Part 1," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"Viola Coe to the Members of the Oregon Grange Part 2," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
"Colored Suffragists Meet Tonight," Oregonian, September 16, 1912, 9.
"Negro Woman Suffrage Association," Oregon Journal, September 17, 1912, 9.
"Colored Suffragists Act," Oregonian, September 17, 1912, 12.
"Scores Men for Denying Women Right of Ballot," Oregon Journal, September 27, 1912, 3.


"Jewish Council Meets," Oregonian, October 03, 1912, 14.
"Big Crowd Hears Dr. Anna Shaw’s Address Part 1," Eugene Daily Guard, October 03, 1912, 6.
"Big Crowd Hears Dr. Anna Shaw’s Address Part 2," Eugene Daily Guard, October 03, 1912, 6.
"Big Crowd Hears Dr. Anna Shaw’s Address Part 3," Eugene Daily Guard, October 03, 1912, 6.
"Duniway Rally Is Aim," Oregonian, October 04, 1912, 16.
"Suffrage Play Ready," Oregonian, October 05, 1912, 14.
"Equal Suffrage Workers Speak," Oregon Journal, October 07, 1912, 11.
"Last Lap Outlined," Oregonian, October 09, 1912, 13.
"Women’s Rights," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 10, 1912, 6.
"Suffragists Will Be In Parade," Eugene Daily Guard, October 10, 1912, 1.
"Her Voting," Monmouth Herald, October 11, 1912, 5.
"Pioneer Oregon Suffragist Is Happy," Oregon Journal, October 11, 1912, 14.
"Suffrage Rally Dates Are Fixed Part 1," Oregonian, October 11, 1912, 3.
"Suffrage Rally Dates Are Fixed Part 2," Oregonian, October 11, 1912, 3.
"Twelve Medford Women," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 14, 1912, 1.
"Suffrage Worker Appeals for Ballot," Oregon Journal, October 15, 1912, 2.
"College Suffragists Working Fervently," Oregon Journal, October 16, 1912, 11.
"Civic Duties Versus The Political Game," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 16, 1912, 3.
"Mrs. Olive Gabriel Talks," Oregonian, October 16, 1912, 7.
"Suffragists Are Active," Oregonian, October 17, 1912, 16.
"Women Workers on Tour," Oregonian, October 20, 1912, 13.
"Victory in Sight, Mrs. Duniway is Glad; Quits at 78," Oregon Journal, October 22, 1912, 16.
"Mrs. Duniway’s Birthday is Being Celebrated," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 22, 1912, 3.
"What Suffragists Are Doing," Oregon Journal, October 22, 1912, 12.
"Oregon’s Pioneer Woman Suffrage Advocate is Honored," Oregon Journal, October 23, 1912, 13.
"Conditions in Colorado Today After Nineteen Years of Women Voting," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 23, 1912, 3.
"Noted Is Tribute to Mrs. Duniway Part 1," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 1.
"Noted Is Tribute to Mrs. Duniway Part 2," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 1.
"Noted Is Tribute to Mrs. Duniway Part 3," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 14.
"Noted Is Tribute to Mrs. Duniway Part 4," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 14.
"Novel League Forms Part 1," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 20.
"Novel League Forms Part 2," Oregonian, October 23, 1912, 20.
"“Anti-Suffragists Angry: Temperance Workers Reported Statement Refuted by Organization” Page 1," Oregonian, October 24, 1912, October 24, 1912, 4.
"“Anti-Suffragists Angry” Page 2," October 24, 1912, October 24, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage League Is Gaining Rapidly," Oregon Journal, October 24, 1912, 13.
"Free Play is Announced," Oregonian, October 25, 1912, 25.
"Deny Liquor Men Issued Pamphlets," Salem Daily Capital Journal, October 25, 1912, 1.
"Suffrage is Debated," Oregonian, October 26, 1912, 4.
"Suffrage Play Pleases," Oregonian, October 27, 1912, 12.
"Mrs. Belmont Sends Coin," Oregonian, October 28, 1912, 1.


"State Suffragists Prepare for Fight Part 1," Oregonian, November 01, 1912, 4.
"State Suffragists Prepare for Fight Part 2," Oregonian, November 01, 1912, 4.
"Prohibition Party Declaration of Principles," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 02, 1912, 6.
"End of the Suffrage Campaign Part 1," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 04, 1912, 1.
"End of the Suffrage Campaign Part 2," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 04, 1912, 1.
"End of the Suffrage Campaign Part 3," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 04, 1912, 1.
"End of the Suffrage Campaign Part 4," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 04, 1912, 1.
"Will the 23,000 Majority Against Women Stand Pat Part 1," Oregon Journal, November 05, 1912, 12.
"Will the 23,000 Majority Against Women Stand Pat Part 2," Oregon Journal, November 05, 1912, 12.
"Will the 23,000 Majority Against Women Stand Pat Part 3," Oregon Journal, November 05, 1912, 12.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 1," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912)., November 05, 1912, p. 1.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 2," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 2.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 3," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, 3.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 4," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 4.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 5," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 5.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 6," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 6.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 7," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 7.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 8," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 8.
"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 9," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 9.
"Suffrage Leaders Grateful," Oregon Journal, November 09, 1912, 4.
"Women of Salem to Vote First," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 09, 1912, 1.
"Proclamation to be in Mrs. Duniway’s Hand Writing," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 11, 1912, 2.
"Will Have Universal Suffrage," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 12, 1912, 1.
"Equal Suffrage Assured," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 22, 1912, 2.
"The Ladies of Salem Celebrate Part 1," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 22, 1912, 4.
"The Ladies of Salem Celebrate Part 2," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 22, 1912, 4.
"The Ladies of Salem Celebrate Part 3," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 22, 1912, 4.