"“Anti-Suffragists Angry” Page 2," October 24, 1912, October 24, 1912, 4.



The Oregon State Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women yesterday issued the following statement:
The Oregon State Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women wishes to deny statements made last Monday at the Women’s Christian Temperance Union convention, when, according to press reports, “it was announced from the platform that the liquor interests were circulating thousands of copies of a pamphlet of which Rev. Clarence True Wilson is the author.” That pamphlet is issued by and bears the name of the Oregon State Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women, so that the statement that it was issued by any other persons or organization was a gratuitous fabrication, and known to be such by all persons making it.
It has become the fashion for suffragists to attribute all their defeats to the “liquor men.”  This has been the cry in Ohio and after the successive majorities rolled up against them in Oregon. As a matter of fact, not one of the six suffrage states had prohibition, and in a recent map published by the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union, Oregon stands out conspicuously dry among the surrounding wet and suffrage states.
Dr. Wilson’s pamphlet is a valued part of the organized protest against the imposition of woman suffrage upon the women of Oregon, a protest which is signed and sent out by the following women of the association:
Mr. J.F. Bailey, president; Miss Failing, first vice-president; Mrs. R.W. Wilbur, second vice-resident; Mrs. Wallace McCamant, treasurer; Miss Eleanor Gile, secretary; Mrs. E.H. Shepherd, Hood River; Mrs. A.J. Richardson, Joseph; Mrs. J.M. Connell, Hillsboro; Miss Rita Alderman, Falls City; Mrs. M.E. McFarland, Airlie; Mrs. F.E. Harlow, Troutdale; Mrs. George T. Travel, Astoria; Mrs. W.S. McFadden, Corvallis; Mrs. Dan O’Neill, Oregon City; Miss Emily Loveridge, superintendent Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland. And by the executive committee as follows: Mrs. H.W. Corbett, Mrs. A.E. Rockey, Mrs. C.H. Lewis, Mrs. David Loring, Mrs. J.B. Montgomery, Mrs. W.C. Alvord, Mrs. Gordon Voorhies, Mrs. R.W. Lewis, Mrs. James N. Davis, Mrs. Alma D. Katz, Mrs. S.T. Hamilton, Mrs. Herbert Holman, Mrs. C.A. Johns, Baker; Mrs. J.H. Templeton, Prineville; Miss Bush, Salem; Mrs. W.I. Vawter, Medford; Mrs. Elizabeth Yockey, Ashland.

1912 October Permalink
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