"Suffragists To Unite," Oregonian, August 09, 1912, 12.





Oaks to Be Scene of Gathering and Noted Speakers Will Be In Attendance.

What is expected to be the greatest gathering ever held in Portland of men and women in favor of equal suffrage will assemble at the Oaks Park Sunday afternoon. C. E. S. Wood and Sara Bard Ehrgott will deliver addresses and 300 members of the College Equal Suffrage League, under whose auspices the meeting is being given, will attend in a body in their caps and gowns. Members of every suffrage organization in the city have been invited to attend.

Up to the present members of the various organizations have been in the habit of holding their own meetings, but on all sides now it is beginning to be recognized that, though there are many advantages in having a number of societies, which will thus reach all types of people, it is necessary that the various bodies unite on occasions of importance.

For this reason every man and woman, whether a member of any organization or not, is particuuarly requested to be present, so that the remarks made by some of the opposition as to the scarcity of any but the “few faddists, the paid agitators and the mannish women” may be refuted.

The addresses will commence at 4 o’clock from the bandstand and there will be an intermission, during which a fine musical programme will be given. Professor Pelz, the popular music director at the Oaks is giving his assistance in the preparation of the entertainment features.

Plans are already underway for a great suffrage parade after the meeting, which, though not expected to rival that of New York women, will, nevertheless, give some idea of the number of people who are hoping for a successful issue to this campaign in November.

1912 August Permalink
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