"Suffrage Sandwiches Go Like Hotcakes," Portland Evening Telegram, June 12, 1912, 10.
Women’s Luncheon Automobile Does Brisk Business Amid Crowds.
Under a gay yellow “Votes for Women” umbrella, with spieler, bells and band, a group of representative Suffrage workers of the Portland Woman’s Club started out again at noon today to make the rounds of the business streets, selling sandwiches, doughnuts, ice cream cones and other quick lunch edibles. Prominent in the group was Miss Keenan, who appears this week in the Orpheum sketch, “Man to Man.” Miss Keenan proved to be a quick change artist, and passed out the “Ham and” with lightning-like dexterity.
Yesterday’s receipts were gratifying. and despite the Oregon mist that put a damper on other things, the sale from the Suffrage grub cart was brisk, and the noon hour ended with a general clean up of everything on hand, with a comfortable sum in the treasury. All this morning a committee was busy in the Women of Woodcraft hall making up delectable sandwiches of cheese and ham, wrapping them in wax paper and packing in great hampers ready to be issued to the hungry street crowds at a cost that would make even a department store ashamed of itself.
The big six-ton auto truck, loaned by the Speedwell Auto Truck Company, has been handsomely decorated with bunting, festoons of rose and green, votes for women flags, and signs that bring home the Pacific Coast Suffrage slogan: “Oregon Next.” An abundance of Suffrage literature was distributed as the tally-ho passed along the main thoroughfares, and Pike Davis’s spiel attracted crowds and made them buy whether they were hungry or not. The wagon will run each noon this week, and plans have been made to carry on the scheme during the Elks’ reunion.
1912 June Permalink