"League Plans Contest," Oregonian, March 20, 1912, 2.
Members Seek Design for Rose Festival Parade
National College Equal Suffrage Organization to Take Active Part in Annual Event.At a meeting yesterday of the National College Equal Suffrage League at the home of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, the president, it was decided to inaugurate a contest for an acceptable design to represent the league in the Rose Festival parade next June.
The subject of having floats representing their respective organizations has already been taken up with the different suffrage societies in the city and there is every indication that a keen rivalry will result among them to have the best representation. The finance committee of the National College Equal Suffrage League was instructed yesterday afternoon to formulate plans for conducting the contests and will report their conclusion at an early meeting.
A novel question that was taken up at the meeting was a plan for having periodical luncheons, at intervals of perhaps one or two weeks. The plan is to secure speakers at these luncheons, which would be attended by the members of the league and invited guests. The entertainment committee was instructed to confer with the various hotel managements as to this and to report the results of their conference at the next business meeting.
A tender from the National College Equal Suffrage League of California of the die used in that state for printing the emblem of the league on postals and on stamp stickers was accepted. Thousands of these cards and stamps will be circulated as soon as the dies are received.
1912 March Permalink