"Women Discuss Ballot Part 1," Oregonian, February 07, 1912, 13.
Suffrage and Training for Girls Subjects Before W. C. T. U.Multnomah County W. C. T. U. held a county institute Tuesday at Calvary Presbyterian Church. The subjects up for papers and discussion were women suffrage and industrial training for girls. Mrs. Alice Hanson opened with a paper, “The Power of Women Without the Ballot,” showing the good work done during the ages, in spite of great obstacles. Mrs. Houston told of the need of the ballot to enable women to carry reform measures. A discussion followed, in which emphasis was laid on the need of a direct method of attack through the ballot, rather than an indirect one of petition through personal appeal. Mrs. Markham told “Why the State Needs My Ballot,” showing that in the states where the ballot prevails the first work has been to obtain legislation protecting women and girls and children in the labor world. She quoted from the Governors of states where women vote, testifying to the good work accomplished therein in passing and enforcing good laws. Miss F. Gottshall gave reasons “Why I Want the Ballot.” She said: “It will give me the power to correct many abuses. I can work for the safety and protection of little children any young girls. Let us prepare ourselves for the ballot.”
Mrs. Lora C. Little spoke on “Harmful Drugs,” speaking of a long list of soothing syrups, headache powders and the like which contained opium, caffeine and cocaine and are highly dangerous. She condemned many soft drinks.
After a lunch hour in the basement, the programme was taken up. Mrs. M. L. Hidden told of the social and red letter days of the W. C. T. U., which have been observed for many years, Mothers’ day being one of them, and Frances Willard Memorial day another. Mrs. L. H. Additon and Mrs. L. Baldwin talked on the girl problem, emphasizing the need of proper training of these, “for the girls of today are the mothers of tomorrow.” They advocated an industrial training school for delinquent girls, and the need of preventive and education work in their behalf. They emphasized the need of woman’s vote, as well as old-fashioned mothers.
Mr. Crichton enumerated the laws for the protection of women and girls on the Oregon statute books, and urged the need of having them enforced. A medal contest was held in the evening. Fine music was interspersed with the readings.
1912 February Permalink