"Suffrage Play Ready," Oregonian, October 05, 1912, 14.







Oregon City to See First Production of English Drama as Diversion in Campaign Routine.

For some weeks past rehearsals have been going on steadily for the production of the suffrage play entitled “How the Vote was Won.” The final rehearsal is set for tonight, under the direction of Mrs. Emma Watson Gillespie, who has charge of the dramatic side of the College Equal Suffrage League.
There are in all ten performers required for the production of this play, which was written and performed in England prior to its introduction over here. It has been presented in Ohio and other states.
The first performance will be given in the theater at Oregon City next Friday, following which it will be produced in Arleta and other outlying districts prior to its introduction into Portland.

Word was received at headquarters yesterday of the donation of $100 by “A Suffragist” to be used in covering, by means of noticed in the papers, the more inaccessible of the counties.
“This donation has come in very handily,” said Miss Emma Wold, the president of the College Equal Suffrage League, “Because the furtherance of the cause in the outlying and inaccessible districts is what has been worrying us considerably in the past few days. We have not the funds to send an organizer out into those parts, that being the best way of doing things, and in fact all the money have and more is being swallowed up, in a thorough organization of the counties nearer home.”
During the Gresham Fair suffrage workers have been most active. A space was allotted to them of which they made the best use. Mrs. C. Hepburn, Miss Frances Wilson, the Misses Florence and Frances Dayton, Miss E. E. Griffith and Miss Emma Wold have worked indefatigably all through the week, and have reached, either by means of literature or personal canvass, some 5000 people, the majority of them voters.
Meetings are planned for Hillsboro and McMinnville, at which Portland business and professional men will speak.
It is in connection with these meetings that the Portland Men’s Equal Suffrage League is arranging a number of out-of-door talks. They have thought it is better to hold back their efforts until the last month of the campaign, when they are going to come out into the open. Speeches are promised by political men, by attorneys and by members of the Senate. The Men’s Club has done good work quietly all along in providing speakers, when wanted, by any of the various suffrage societies. Only the other night they got up a suffrage debate, but for lack of an opponent a suffragist had to take the side of the “antis.”

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