"Viola Coe to the Members of the Oregon Grange Part 1," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.
August 22, 1912.
To the Members of The Grange:—- As Acting President of the State Equal Suffrage Association I wish to ask your organization to co-operate with us in every way possble [sic] to gain votes for our cause November 5, 1912.
I would suggest that you organize equal suffrage clubs, even if the membership be small to begin with. If this is not advisable, then hold parlor meetings with the assistance of some local speaker. A question box usually brings out a lively discussion and adds interest in the meetings and the cause.
If the Grange members would make it a point to have a speaker for the suffrage cause at their regular meetings, with an occasional open meeting, from now until November, it would aid greatly in securing votes for the cause. We will gladly assist you at any time in securing speakers. Our slogan is “Vote for Amendment No. 1.”
Yours for Justice,
1912 September Permalink