"Actor Urges Suffrage," Oregonian, January 12, 1912, 11.







In Address Eminent English Player Declares He Is in Favor of Votes for Women.

The cause of woman’s suffrage received encouragement yesterday afternoon when J. Forbes-Robertson, the eminent English actor, gave an address at the home of Mrs. Solomon Hirsch. An audience of representative men and women of Portland listened to Mr. Robertson’s eloquent appeal.

Mr. Robertson is a great enthusiast for the cause of women’s suffrage, and, while he does not approve of the militant methods by which the English women have brought the cause before the public, he declares that these women have suffered great hardships through their loyalty to the fight for suffrage.

Mr. Robertson laid great stress upon the fact that the English playwright J. M. Barrie and the novelist George Meredith are supporters if the cause of suffrage. He ended his talk by saying that if by his efforts he had succeeded in converting one man or woman to the cause, he would be satisfied. Following his address 42 persons pledged their personal support.

After the address a reception was held in honor of Mr. Robertson. Mrs. Hirsch was assisted in receiving by her daughters, the Misses Ella, May, and Clementine Hirsch. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. L. Allen Lewis and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson presided at the table in the dining-room and Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss Katherine MacMaster, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Miss Frances Wilson and Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux assited about the rooms.

The forming of the Portland Equal Suffrage League is regarded as a notable step in the suffrage movement of the West. The league officers are: Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, president; Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, vice-president; Mrs. J. Andre Foilhoux, secretary, and Miss Frances Wilson, treasurer. The dues for the league will be $1 a year.

The following are the names of those who yesterday pledged their support for women’s suffrage: The Misses Ella, May and Clementine Hirsch, Mrs. James Canby, Mrs. Leroy Parker, Miss Cornelia Cook, Dr. Esther Pohl, Miss Minnie Russell, Mrs. C. A. Barnes, Mrs. Alf Klingenberg, Mrs. Charles Gauld, Miss Alice Strong, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mays, Miss Josephine Smith, Miss Polly Hewett, Mrs. Laura A. King, I. N. Fleisohner, Mrs. William T. Foster, Mrs. G. E. Reed, Miss Evelyn Wilson, Julius L. Meier,  Mrs. F. M. Rothchild, Miss Genevie Thompson, Mrs. George T. Willett, Mrs. Robert Strong, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Miss Jean Mackenzie, Mrs. Henry Jones, Miss Elizabeth Cadwell, C. S. Jackson, Mrs. T. B. Trevett, Miss Lucy Trevett, Wells Gilbert, Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Mrs. Carroll Hurlbut, Miss Marion Jackson, Mrs. Edmund L. Devereaux, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Mrs. F. Friedlander, Miss Henrietta Elliot and Clifton McArthur.

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