"Duniway Rally Is Aim," Oregonian, October 04, 1912, 16.
Oregon’s Greatest Contributor to Fight for Women’s Rights Will Be 78 Years Old Then.Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway will be 78 years of age on October 22. As a gentle compliment to Oregon’s greatest worker for suffrage Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, acting president of the Oregon State Equal Suffrage league, the organization brought into being by Mrs. Duniway, has planned a great rally for that day, when some prominent speaker will give an address.
At least one delegate from every county in the state will be present on that day, out of homage to the aged leader.
Two telegrams have already passed between Mrs. Coe and Rabbi Wise, now of New York, but formerly one of Portland’s prominent men, with the view of getting him to deliver the address on that occasion. Whether he will be able to come has not yet been made known, but an answer is expected within the next day or two.
An option has been secured on the Gipsy Smith auditorium for that day, and in all probability, the mass meeting will be held there.
Another method of advancing the cause in the short time that remains before election day is to have Sunday, October 27, set aside by every minister in the state a “Suffrage Day.” To this end letters have been sent, or are now being sent to every minister of every denomination in the state, asking them to set aside that day for suffrage and asking them also to preach on the value and benefits of equal suffrage at least in one sermon.
“We do not expect to get absolutely every minister, but from the number of local pastors who are in favor both of the movement and the idea, we expect to get over 80 per cent, which in itself would cause great argument for the cause,” said Mrs. Coe yesterday.
With the idea of canvassing every county and every part as yet not visited by an organizer from any of the various societies, Mrs. Lillie Conger, Mrs. Edith Toxier Weatherred and Mrs. Donald Robertson will start within the next few days for different parts of the state. Special attention at first will be paid to Weston, Athens, Hermiston and Echo.
For a week from next Tuesday, October 15, a large meeting has been planned for Montavilla, the first of a series in outlying districts, at which some prominent business or professional man in the city will deliver the address.
1912 October Permalink