"W.M. Davis to Mrs. Hattie Vail Part 2," Pacific Grange Bulletin, September 15, 1912, 204.





Portland, Oregon, Aug. 16, 1912.
Mrs. Hattie L. Vail, Rural Delivery, Lents, Oregon.

Dear Mrs. Vail: - Knowing that you have charge of one of the departments of the Grange Paper, as President of the Men’s Equal Suffrage Club, I would like to impress upon you to do what you can for our cauce [sic]. I was much pleased to see that, at the last meeting of the State Grange held in Roseburg, a unanimous resolution giving equal rights to women. The Grange can always be depended upon to deal out justice, and it certainly is unjust to keep women from the right of voting. An American citizen cousiders [sic] the right of franchise the highest privilege granted him, and, if this is a high privilege for men, why isn’t it equally so for women. Would like to say that our Men’s Equal Suffrage Club is in a very flourishing condition, and we have every reason to believe that the initiative amendmet [sic] to the constitution, which will be number one on the ballot, will be carried at the November Election by a large majority.

Hoping you will do what you can for this cause through the columns of your paper, I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
W.M. Davis
President Men’s Equal Suffrage Club.

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