"Mrs. Coe President of Suffrage League," Portland Evening Telegram, February 21, 1912, 2.





National College Movement Takes Formal Shape in Meeting in Hotel.

Mrs. Henry W. Coe was elected president of the new Portland chapter of the National College Equal Suffrage League, which organized yesterday afternoon at the Multnomah Hotel.  In recognition of her pioneer work in the cause in the Pacific Northwest, Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway was made honorary president of the body, after the speech by Mrs. A. H. Borthwick, in which she lauded the work done by Mrs. Duniway for the last 41 years. The officers elected were:

Honorary president, Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway;  president Mrs. Henry W. Coe; vice-presidents, Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen, Mrs. Andre Foullhoux, Dr. Mae Cardwell, Mrs. E. T. Taggart, Mrs. J. B. Kerr; secretary, Mrs. E. Wold; treasurer, Mrs. E.T. Taggart; directors,  Dr. Marie D. Equl, Mrs. A. A. Lindsley, Mrs. Henry Hunt, Ms. C. Edward Grelle, Dr. Kittie Plummer-Gray.

The following committees were appointed: Publicity, Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen, Mrs. F. S. Senn, Dr. Marie V. Madigan. Mrs. Margaret Hoge; finance, Dr. Florence Manion, Mrs. A. E. Borthwiok Miss Emma Buckman, Mrs. Sara Ehrgott; literature, Mrs. E. T. Taggart, Dr. Katherine Manion. Mrs N. W. Shaw, Mrs. F. B. Riley; press, Mrs. E. Wold, Mrs. L. B. Trullinger.

Subscriptions were taken at the meeting for the coming campaign’s work, the list being headed by Mrs. L.W. Therkelsen with $100 and the promise of $25 monthly during the campaign.

Membership in the league is limited to women graduates of colleges or universities and women students who have spent at least a year in such institutions, the latter provision being a concession of the National body, so as to make as broad as possible interest in the local campaign. The object of the league is to equip the members to enter actively into the campaign and be ready with arguments and fitted to speak at public meetings. The Portland chapter will hold weekly meetings on Tuesday afternoons, sessions to be held alternately at the Multnomah Hotel and at the homes of members.

1912 February Permalink
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