"Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet 1912 Page 9," Oregon Secretary of State, Voters Pamphlet for the General Election, 1912 (Salem: Oregon State Printer, 1912), November 05, 1912, p. 9.



[ 9 ]

    2. Because hitherto the women of this State have enjoyed exemption
from this burdensome duty, and no adequate reason has been assigned
for depriving them of that immunity.
    3. Because conferring suffrage upon the women who claim it would
impose suffrage upon the many women who neither desire it as a privilege
nor regard it their duty to seek it.
    4. Because the need of America is not an increased quantity, but
an improved quality, of the vote, and there is no adequate reason to
believe that woman’s suffrage by doubling the vote will improve its
    5. Because the household, not the individual, is the unit of the State,
and the vast majority of women are represented by household suffrage.
    6. Because the women not so represented suffer no practical injustice
which giving the suffrage will remedy. 
    7. Because equality in character does not imply similarity in func-
tion, and the duties and life of men and women are divinely ordered to
be different in the State, as in the home.
    8. Because the energies of women are engrossed by their present
duties and interests, from which men cannot relieve them, and it is
better for the community that they devote their energies to the more
efficient performance of the present work than divert them to new
fields of activity.
    9. Because political equality will deprive woman of special privileges
hitherto accorded her by the law.
    10. Because suffrage logically involves the holding of public office,
including jury duty, and office-holding is inconsistent with the duties
of most women.

Mrs. F. J. Bailey, President, Portland.
Miss Failing, 1st Vice-President, Portland.
Mrs. R. W. Wilbur, 2nd Vice-Pres., Portland.
Mrs. Wallace McCamant, Treasurer, Portland.
Mrs. A.  E.  Rockey, Portland.        Mrs. J. W. Connell, Hillsboro.
Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, Portland.    Mrs. E. Yockey, Ashland.
Mrs. Gordon Voorhies, Portland.    Mrs. J. H. Templeton, Prineville.
Mrs. Herbert Holman, Portland.      Mrs. A. J. Richardson, Joseph.
Mrs. Robert W. Lewis, Portland.    Mrs. R. D. Carter, Baker.
Mrs. F. E. Harlow, Troutdale.        Miss Bush, Salem.
Mrs. M. E. McFarland, Airlie.        Miss Ritta Alderman, Falls City.
Mrs. E. H. Shepard, Hood River.

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