"Equal Suffrage Leaders Speak," Oregon Journal, July 29, 1912, 8.
Enthusiastic Session Is Held; 100 Men and Women Attend Luncheon.
An even hundred women and men attended the luncheon of the College Equal Suffrage association at the Imperial hotel this afternoon. The program was made up largely of speakers from the local newspapers and the speakers were not selected with the idea of their being suffrage supporters.
Miss Emma Wold, president of the league, presided and first introduced C. S. Jackson, publisher of The Journal. Mr. Jackson said in part that he had not quite decided upon which side of the question he really stood but that whenever he heard an argument against suffrage he was inclined toward the cause, but that whenever he heard arguments for his inclination was against.
He declared that at any rate he intended to vote for equal suffrage and that he was sure the cause would carry.
Alfred D. Cridge of the Labor Press declared that working women need the right of the vote and that they are going to have it. He said that when they clasp hands with the workingman they will be able to do a great deal more toward the betterment of the home.
He said that he did not believe that any woman would vote for a man who would allow the little children to work in the coal breakers with bleeding hands, as he had seen them do.
Mrs. L. M. Roberts of the Daily News told of the struggle which the suffragists had waged in Oklahoma, whence she had come to Oregon, and said that women had gained greatly in the esteem of their opponents by the way in which they had carried on their campaign.
A. W. Lawrence, editor of the Labor Press, said that labor unions had gone a long way ahead of all other organizations in supporting equal suffrage because they recognized the rights of women.
C. E. S. Wood closed the speaking by a wonderful appeal for the cause, declaring that men placed the women ahead in little things but denied them the real important thing. He appealed to the members and friends for funds with which to carry on the work and said that “Bill” Hanley had authorized him to subscribe $100 to the cause in his behalf.
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