"Suffragists Are Active," Oregonian, October 17, 1912, 16.
Big Meeting Planned in Honor of Mrs. Duniway, October 22, Will Have Important SpeakersWith the purpose of impressing upon one and all of the workers in the equal suffrage cause the necessity for redoubled energies during the closing weeks of the campaign, an extraordinary meeting of the state equal suffrage organization was held in the auditorium of the Journal building yesterday, under the presidency of Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe. Dates of future meetings were arranged, speakers settled and reports of organizers in the country received and commented upon.
Mrs. Olive Enright, of Salem, and Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, gave encouraging reports of the progress of the work in their respective spheres, while Mrs. Edythe Weatherred gave and account of the work she had accomplished in the past ten days in Wasco and Umatilla counties.
It was announced during the meeting that the Gipsy Smith Auditorium had been secured definitely for holding great suffrage rally on the birthday of the leader of the state organization. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, who will be 78 years of age October 22.
In addition to Senator Chamberlain and ex-Senator Fulton, Governor West has promised to speak, and Mrs. Coe announced that she was busy endeavoring to obtain four more important men.
Under the auspices of the College Equal Suffrage League a meeting will be held at 8 o’clock tomorrow night at Kenilworth, in Miller Hall, corner of Twenty-ninth and Gladstone streets.
The principal speaker of the evening will be A. C. Newill, while among the others to give addresses are: Mrs. C. B. Woodruff, Mrs. Helen Miller Senn and Mrs. John Tomilson.
Today there is to be a meeting on suffrage at Jennings Lodge, and tomorrow the Milwaukie and Oak Grove Association has planned for a rally at which W. C. Brownell will deliver the principal address.
Under the auspices of the Oak Grove and Milwaukie Equal Suffrage Society, one of the most successful meetings in favor of the cause that has ever been held at Oak Grove and that which took place yesterday. Addresses were given by Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden and Mrs. Helen Miller Senn.
Mrs. Senn read for the first time a poem on suffrage, which was received with applause.
1912 October Permalink