"Prohibition Party Declaration of Principles," Salem Daily Capital Journal, November 02, 1912, 6.




The Prohibition Party of Marlon County, Oregon, in convention assembled at Salem, Oregon, on June 15,

1912, expressing gratitude to God for guidance In the past, recognizing Him as the author of all just government and seeking Ills direction In the campaign before us, makes the following declaration of principles for their platform for 1912:

Declaration of Principles.
The Prohibition Party is the only truly ‘“progressive” party, as evidenced by its broad platform utterances in the past. By its 40 years of uncompromising preaching and practicing of political righteousness, it has made possible the present “progressive” wave and demand for national purification. In line, therefore, with such record, we declare:

1. For the renewal of our allegiance to the principles and platforms of the Prohibition party of the United States and of the state of Oregon.

2. We demand relief from the burden of excessive, unjust and taxation: First, by the dismissal of all commissions and officials’. My placing all officials upon a reasonable flat salary; by the abolition of the present extravagant and dishonest method of paying certain officers in addition to their regular salaries, a large amount for clerk and deputy hire regardless of whether such clerks or deputies are employed or not.

And by charging all court expenses and the costs of the care of criminals whose crime was committed under the Influence of liquor to the municipality where the liquor was sold.

Second, by a revision of the present system of taxation, by exemption of personal property to the amount of $400.
By discontinuing the taxation of mortgages.
By discontinuing the present and penalty system of collecting taxes, collecting only a legal rate of interest upon taxes not paid by the first day of April;

And by the adoption of a well considered income tax law.

3. For suffrage, to women upon the same terms and conditions as to men.

4. We favor a registration law, which can be more economically administered than the present one.

5. We favor equal opportunities for capital and labor and declare for enactment of such laws as will ensure the nearest possible approach to this equality.

6. We declare the national government should prohibit all interstate commerce In Intoxicating beverages and should forbid the use of the malls to aid such traffic as is now done regarding lotte”, ies and other evils.

7. We declare for the destruction of the white slave traffic with its unspeakable evils, and the enactment of stringent lawn and their rigid enforcement against the social evil.

8. The Prohibition Party for 40 years has cried aloud against the compromising and half-way measures of dealing with the liquor question; has stood without fusion or surrender of its great principles, against the gigantic liquor traffic and its corrupt partnership with municipal, state and national governments; the combined liquor parties, the powerful subsidized press, the heartless sanction of business Interests, the tyranny of social custom, and the amazing apathy and indifference of the Christian voters. We today renew our demand that the opponents of the liquor traffic shall get together In the only place where they can unite and cooperate with any promise of success the Prohibition party. As never before we call upon all good men and patriots to rally to the standards of that party, and make 1912 the “Out to Win” campaign in the war on the legalized liquor traffic.

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