"Suffrage Rally Dates Are Fixed Part 1," Oregonian, October 11, 1912, 3.






Mrs. May Arkwright Hutton, of
Spokane, Is Expected to
Aid Last Two Weeks.


Senator Chamberlain and ex-Senator
Fulton Will Speak at Duniway
Festival October 22—Street
Meetings in Progress.

Reports of progress and the settling of dates for rallies and final activities in the last month of the campaign were the main business matters discussed at the meeting of the state suffrage central campaign committee, yesterday in the Selling building. Delegates from other suffrage societies were present. Colonel Robert Miller and W. M. Davis acted as presidents, both of them making a short speech on organization and co-operation for the final few days.
Among other societies represented was the Milwaukie and Oak Grove society, the delegates for this being the Misses Florence and Frances Dayton, two young women who have been indefatigable in their efforts. 
They reported that Judge Brownell spoke last Wednesday evening in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Oregon City before a large audience, and a meeting has been arranged at Jennings Lodge this evening. 

Mrs. Hutton May Come.

During the afternoon it was announced that in all probability Mrs. May Arkwright Hutton, the first woman delegate to the National Democratic convention in Washington would come down to help on the last two weeks of the campaign. In addition to her, Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel has been secured by the state association to do organization work until November 5.
The Colored Women’s Equal suffrage League is to have a big meeting on October 22, when they will hear an address by their bishop on suffrage.
William M. Davis, the president of the Men’s Equal Suffrage Association, announced that the society would hold street meetings almost every night from now until the end.
In default of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York, who was unable to make the trip to Portland for the rally October 22, when Mrs. Duniway reaches the age of 78, Mrs. H. W. Coe, acting president of the state league, has secured ex-Senator Fulton and Senator Chamberlain as the speakers for the occasion.

Rallies Are Numerous

Special efforts to reach the voters will be made by the state association by means of rallies. The first of these is announced for this evening at 8 o’clock, in the First Universalist Church, Twenty-fourth and Broadway, Irvington. Among the speakers for the occasion are: Rev. J. D. Corby, John F. Logan, Mrs. Helen Miller Senn, Rev. Luther R. Dyott and W. M. Davis.  Mrs. H. W. Coe will preside.

Tomorrow evening, at Hillsboro, in the opera-house, there will be the second of the series, starting at the same hour, 8 P. M. Colonel Robert Miller, Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel and Mrs. Helen Miller Senn speak here.

Kept secret and for three weeks, too, by more than one woman.

In the vernacular, “what do you know about that?”

Had they not been suffragists the thing would have been impossible. However, the new suffrage club, for that is what was kept secret, was sprung all of a sudden, and with overwhelming force upon an unsuspecting crowd who heard Dr. Anna Shaw speak at the Portland Hotel.  In the stress of the moment people thought it was an advertising scheme.

Everybody’s League Formed

Since then, however, this club, which rejoices in the appropriate title of “Everybody’s Equal Suffrage League,” has gone on its way serenely. “It aims at getting you and me and everybody and also it frankly aims at getting our money,” said a subscriber, “but for the expenditure of 25 cents, you have the inestimable advantage of knowing that you are vice-president of at least one organization. You can forget that everybody else is also a vice-president who has put up a modest two-bits.  Dr. Pohl Lovejoy is the only president, for the idea began with her.

“The members do not stand on ceremony nor do they believe in parliamentary law or etiquette. A meeting is held whenever two or more meet, and any one may talk or all may talk, provided they want to. The meeting places are somewhat scriptural, inasmuch as wheresoever two or more are gathered together, there is a meeting of the Everybody’s Equal Suffrage League.”

Occasionally they get rebuked as for instance, when three members went into a wine shop to purchase their grape juice for the week end. Not that they were summarily ejected, far from it, for the man wanted their custom, but he had put up $25, or had been forced to do so to aid in the fight by the saloon men against equal suffrage, and so he told them that they could not get him to vote for the movement. Nor would he give them 25 cents. 

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