"Equal Suffrage Workers Speak," Oregon Journal, October 07, 1912, 11.






Enthusiastic Street Meeting Held—Candidates Laud Cause.

The cause of equal suffrage scored Saturday night when a coterie of local politicians eliminated party affiliations and party lines, appeared in a common ground automobile at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets, and advocated “votes for women.”
B. Lee Paget, prohibition candidate for United States senator, was given permission at the close of the meeting to say a few words in behalf of his candidacy. His speech was appropriately punctuated at intervals by the rumbling of passing “water wagons.”
William “Pike” Davis, one of Portland’s most ardent advocates of equal suffrage, opened the meeting. Mr. Davis called attention to the success that has followed the granting of the right of franchise to women in the equal suffrage states, and said that the men in those states have never regretted giving women the ballot.
Mr. Davis, who is a “Bull Mooser,” introduced George S. Shephard, a Taft Republican, as the next speaker. Mr. Shephard advocated votes for women on the general ground that women are as fully qualified as men, to take part in the political activities of the nation. Mr. Shephard answered several objections that are advanced by the opponents of equal suffrage, stating that such objections are usually inconsequential and are made because of lack of understanding of the subject.
John Stevenson, Wilson Democrat, was next. Mr. Stevenson called attention to the fact that he is not a candidate for office, and that he advocates equal suffrage on the strength of his convictions that it is right. There is no good reason, Mr. Stevenson said, “why women should not vote.”
Julius Knispel, candidate on the Socialist ticket for circuit judge, explained that the Socialists favor equal suffrage on the general principle of woman’s competency to vote and of her right to do so under the constitution of the United States.
B. Lee Paget said he felt proud of the fact that an equal suffrage plank holds second place in the platform of the national Prohibition party organization.
Last night’s meeting was the first of several street meetings to be held from now on until the election on November 5.

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