"Suffragists Name Central Committee," Oregon Journal, March 09, 1912, 2.






At a meeting of the State Equal Suffrage association held yesterday afternoon behind closed doors at the headquarters of the College Equal Suffrage club in the Selling building, a state central committee was decided upon, the appointments being made by Mrs. Abagail Scott Dunway. This committee will carry on the general suffrage campaign work throughout the state. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe presided at the meeting, which was held behind closed doors, several pertinent matters upon which the women do not agree having been threshed out.

The committees appointed are as follows:

Representing state association – Miss Elma Buckman, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, The Dalles, Or.; Mrs. Imogene Bath, Hillsboro, Or.

Representing Men’s Equal Suffrage league – W. M. Davis, Rev. Albert Ehrgott, C. W. Fulton.

Representing Portland Equal Suffrage league – Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Mrs. J. A. Foullhoux, Miss Frances Wilson.

Representing committee from Portland Woman’s club – Mrs. Caroline Dunlap, Mrs. F. Eggert, Mrs. A.C. Newill.

Representing College Equal Suffrage league – Dr. Marie Equi, Miss Emma Wold, Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen.

Officers, central committee – Chairman, Rev. Albert Ehrgott, assistant chairman, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, The Dalles, Or.; secretary, Mrs. H.R. Reynolds; treasurer, Mrs. Henry W. Coe.

National representative – Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe.

Finance committee – Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Dr. Florence Manion.

Literature committee – Mrs. Paul A. Trulinger. Miss Emma Wold, Miss Blanche Wren.

Ways and means committee – Dr. Flora A. Cassidy, Miss Caroline H. Hepburn, Mrs. C. B. Woodruff.

The executive committee is composed of the chairman and one member from each of the associations represented also one member from each of the committee including the national representative. The committee is as follows: Rev. Albert Ehrgott, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, Mrs. H. R. Reynolds, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, Mrs. Arthur C. Newill, W. M. Davis, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Mrs. Caroline Dunlap, Mr. Marie Equi, Miss E. Buckman, Mrs. Louise B. Trulinger, Dr. Flora A. Cassidy.

As lecturers and organizers for the state Mrs. Duniway has made overtures to Mrs. Sarah E. Commerford, Mrs. Sarah Ehrgott and Rev. Albert Ehrgott.

1912 March Permalink
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