"Suffrage Has Won," Oregonian, March 22, 1912, 5.





New Republic Gives Ballot to Women of China
Yik Yug Ying, known as Mrs. Pankhurst of Orient, Becomes Member of New Law-Making Body Which Sits in Nanking.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 21- Equal suffrage was granted to the women of the Chinese Republic yesterday by the Parliament of Nanking, according to a cable message received today by a Chinese daily paper here.

The new law will become effective immediately. Women voters will be subjected to the same restrictions as the men and must be able to read and write and also be property owners. Twenty years is the age of majority.

Yik Yug Ying, who has been called the Mrs. Pankhurst of China because of her activity in the movement, was elected yesterday a member of the Chinese parliament from Canton Province. The nine other members from Canton are men. Yik is a college graduate.

Congratulations Will Be Sent to Enfranchised Chinese Women.

When the news reached Portland yesterday that China had enfranchised the women there, the state central committee of the Oregon Equal Suffrage League was in session in the Selling building, and a tumultuous demonstration followed the announcement. Those assembled expressed their gratification upon the act, and instructed the secretary to send a message to the women of china congratulating them upon their newly-acquired rights.

The campaign committee of the Portland Woman’s Club sent a message to Moy Back Hin, Chinese Consul here, conveying congratulations to the Chinese republic. The message is as follows:

“Through you we send greetings and congratulations to the great republic of China, that, in establishing the most modern form of government, it has made the republic a government of all the people, and not a government of half the people, as we have in Oregon.

“All hail the republic of China, the true democracy. With its women as free as its men! – Woman’s Club campaign Committee.”

1912 March Permalink
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