Oregon Woman Suffrage History Month to Month

September 1912: Southern Oregon Rocks the Suffrage World with Coalitions (and Pictures!) . . .

By September 1912 suffrage activity in Oregon was in full swing. Local groups were organizing parades, rallies and speeches and spreading literature, buttons and banners. At the end of the month, activists thronged to hear Anna Howard Shaw, president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, on her multi-city tour from Pendleton to Portland to the Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon.

One of the main reasons that suffrage supporters gained a victory in 1912 was the creation of grassroots coalitions. There were 23 suffrage groups in Portland alone, and dozens across the state. Press coverage in September gives us new details about a very important regional organization—the Southern Oregon Equal Suffrage League and its local leagues in Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls. And pictures!

The Oregonian published a lengthy article in its Sunday, September 29 edition that featured Southern Oregon activists. The article title—“From Pulpit, Platform, and Dinner Table Votes for Women Advocated” suggests the breadth of activity. Reporter C.H. Clements provides important details about the founding and activities of the local groups and their strength as a coalition of the Southern Oregon Equal Suffrage League:

Pulpit Platform

C. H. Clements, “From Pulpit, Platform and Dinner Table Votes for Women Advocated,” Oregonian, September 29, 1912, Section 5, page 8

And—there are pictures—portraits of Medford, Grants Pass, and Ashland suffrage leaders. We’ll treasure them in their grainy newspaper form, of course, and hope that they will assist researchers in uncovering the originals, full names, correct spellings, and other information about them.

Southern Oregon PIctures 1

Mrs. J. F. Reddy, President, Medford Equal Suffrage [Association]; Mrs. George E. Boos, Vice-President, Medford ESA; Mrs. Charles D. Hoou, Treasurer, [Medford] ESA
Mrs. Charles L. Schleffelin, Chair of Organization Committee, Medford ESA; Miss Gladys Heard, Secretary, Medford ESA; Miss Hazel Davis, Assistant Secretary, Medford ESA
Mrs. Arthur Conkiln, President, Southern Oregon Equal Suffrage League; Mrs. Pearl M. Bartlett, President, Grants Pass Equal Suffrage League; Mrs. S. Loughbridge, Treasurer, Grants Pass ESL

C. H. Clements, “From Pulpit, Platform and Dinner Table Votes for Women Advocated,” Oregonian, September 29, 1912, Section 5, page 8

Southern Oregon Pictures 2

Mrs. C. W. Hale, Chair of the Organization Committee, Grants Pass ESL; Mrs. C. H. Clements, Secretary, Grants Pass ESL; Mrs. Dr. M. B. Shaw, President, Ashland Equal Suffrage League
Mrs. John B. Casey, President, First Ward Ashland ESL; Mrs. C. N. Gillette, President, Second Ward, Ashland ESL; Mrs. C. B. Lamkin, President, Third Ward, Ashland ESL
Mrs. E. C. Gard, Treasurer, Ashland ESL; Mrs. E. D. Briggs, Vice President, Third Ward, Ashland ESL; Mrs. J. McNair, Sergeant-at-Arms, Ashland ESL

C. H. Clements, “From Pulpit, Platform and Dinner Table Votes for Women Advocated,” Oregonian, September 29, 1912, Section 5, page 8

Grassroots coalitions in Southern Oregon—another important reason that Oregon women achieved the vote in 1912. Do you have one of these images in your attic or know someone who does? Do you know something about these suffrage leaders? Contact us!

—Kimberly Jensen

Want to read more articles from Oregon suffrage campaigns? Click here

Posted by history class on 09/05 at 08:12 AM

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